With commitment
and excellence, we achieve
that great projects
become a reality

Somos una fundación privada, sin ánimo de lucro que, a través de alianzas con el sector público, privado y comunitario, impulsa proyectos e iniciativas de alto impacto que contribuyen al desarrollo integral y sostenible de Cali, el Valle del Cauca y la región Pacífico.

We exist thanks to the contributions of companies committed to bridging gaps, territorial development , and the well-being of citizens. We operate without political bias and with a long- term vision.

At ProPacífico, we are convinced that by working together, we have #ThePowerToAdvance.


Comprehensive regional
development drives us. 
Our commitment to the region's development is genuine and is reflected in the determined way we work and the value each member of our team brings.
We work to the highest
standard of our
We go the extra mile, and it fills us with satisfaction to give our best. Those who are part of this team are outstanding, and we are passionate about what we do.
We make
We have the capacity to influence the decision-making processes in the region and turn our goals into reality. Our distinguishing characteristics are our influence and the achievement of concrete results.
Tejemos relaciones que
generan valor de doble vía.
A través de la articulación con el sector público, privado y comunitario, hacemos conexiones con nuestro entorno, potencializando la interacción con las personas de nuestra región.
Con entusiasmo y energía
nos gozamos el camino
al desarrollo regional.
Viviendo y disfrutando cada proceso llevado a cabo hasta obtener resultados. Nos caracterizamos por vivir cada experiencia desde el corazón.


In our beginnings, before becoming ProPacífico, we were Fundación para el Desarrollo Integral del Valle del Cauca, FDI, created as an initiative of the business sector to promote the development of the region.
We were reborn, redefining our strategic plan and the way to contribute to the comprehensive and sustainable development of Cali, Valle del Cauca, and the Pacific region. Since then, we have focused on public-private collaboration with a long-term vision, driving the realization of strategic projects
We changed our name and image to further strengthen our role in the comprehensive development of the region.
We celebrated five years of demonstrating that when we come together and work collaboratively, we have #ThePowerToAdvance.
Collaborative work brings results. Projects like Tren de Cercanías and Conexión Pacífico Orinoquia gain relevance on the national agenda, paving the way for their execution.
With our technical support and through joint efforts with the Parliamentary Bloc, the Government of Valle del Cauca, and the Mayor's Office of Cali, we succeeded in increasing Valle's budget in the National Development Plan 2018-2022 by 3.6 trillion pesos.
Adversity reaffirmed our commitment to collaborative work. We led the #UnaSolaFuerza (#OneSingleForce) campaign, which gathered more than $15.3 billion in donations from over 120 companies and 470 citizens to assist the region during the health emergency caused by COVID.
In 2021, we confronted profound challenges, but it also led us to view the regional reality from a different perspective. We led initiatives like Compromiso Valle, through which we once again affirmed our commitment to social transformation and the comprehensive development of Cali, Valle del Cauca, and the Pacific Region.
The year 2022 marked a milestone for the positioning and strengthening of ProPacífico in its role as a facilitator of public and private actors within the framework of a regional agenda that promotes sustainable development. Additionally, we led Cali para Mí, the largest citizen participation initiative ever undertaken in a Colombian city, through which we identified the priorities for the transformation of Cali in collaboration with the citizens.
El 2023 nos consolidó como referente de generación de alianzas y de resultados. En un año marcado por la aprobación del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, reformas gubernamentales y elecciones locales, avanzamos como región con proyectos de infraestructura y salud, mejoramos la seguridad hídrica con el Proyecto Plan Jarillón, y las iniciativas Cali para Mí y Compromiso Valle tuvieron un gran impacto. Gracias a nuestros aliados y equipo, seguimos avanzando juntos hacia un mejor territorio.
  • 1969
    In our early days, before becoming ProPacífico, we were the Foundation for the Integral Development of Valle del Cauca, FDI, established as an initiative by the business sector to promote the development of the region.
  • 2016
    We were reborn, redefining our strategic plan and the way to contribute to the comprehensive and sustainable development of Cali, Valle del Cauca, and the Pacific region. Since then, we have focused on public-private collaboration with a long-term vision, driving the realization of strategic projects
  • 2018
    We changed our name and image to further strengthen our role in the comprehensive development of the region.
  • 2020
    We celebrated five years of demonstrating that when we come together and work collaboratively, we have #ThePowerToAdvance.

Outstanding Achievements

  • 2018
    Collaborative work brings results. Projects like Tren de Cercanías and Conexión Pacífico Orinoquia gain relevance on the national agenda, paving the way for their execution.
  • 2019
    With our technical support and through joint efforts with the Parliamentary Bloc, the Government of Valle del Cauca, and the Mayor's Office of Cali, we succeeded in increasing Valle's budget in the National Development Plan 2018-2022 by 3.6 trillion pesos.
  • 2020
    Adversity reaffirmed our commitment to collaborative work. We led the #UnaSolaFuerza (#OneSingleForce) campaign, which gathered more than $15.3 billion in donations from over 120 companies and 470 citizens to assist the region during the health emergency caused by COVID.
  • 2021
    In 2021, we confronted profound challenges, but it also led us to view the regional reality from a different perspective. We led initiatives like Compromiso Valle, through which we once again affirmed our commitment to social transformation and the comprehensive development of Cali, Valle del Cauca, and the Pacific Region.
  • 2022
    El año 2022 marcó un hito para el posicionamiento y el fortalecimiento de ProPacífico en su rol articulador de actores públicos y privados en el marco de una agenda regional que impulsa el desarrollo sostenible. Además, lideramos Cali para Mí, la iniciativa de participación ciudadana más grande que se haya hecho en una ciudad de Colombia y con la cual logramos identificar junto a los ciudadanos las prioridades para la transformación de Cali.
  • 2023
    El 2023 nos consolidó como referente de generación de alianzas y de resultados. En un año marcado por la aprobación del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, reformas gubernamentales y elecciones locales, avanzamos como región con proyectos de infraestructura y salud, mejoramos la seguridad hídrica con el Proyecto Plan Jarillón, y las iniciativas Cali para Mí y Compromiso Valle tuvieron un gran impacto. Gracias a nuestros aliados y equipo, seguimos avanzando juntos hacia un mejor territorio.

Donantes y Aportantes

Finesa Fundación-WWB Grupo North Grupo-Carval Levapan


These are some of the partnerships and initiatives we are part of. They have arisen from the collaboration between public, private, and citizen stakeholders with the goal of shaping and advancing the local and regional development agenda.
We lead the Compromiso Valle initiative, a tool for collective impact that, through direct and horizontal dialogue and active listening, brings together and coordinates citizens, communities, businesses of all sizes, social leaders, and foundations to contribute to closing social gaps in Valle del Cauca. 

Through six focus areas or priorities, it aims to create opportunities for the most vulnerable population in the department, establishing itself as an effective model of social innovation in Colombia.
Created to support the institutional sector in the logistical process of COVID-19 immunization. Following the parameters of the National Vaccination Plan, the Health Departments of Cali and Valle, different healthcare providers (IPS), business associations in Valle del Cauca, and ProPacífico joined forces to contribute their infrastructure and accelerate the administration of vaccine doses in the region.

With the activation of five vaccination centers, over 140,000 vaccines were administered in the area.
A campaign through which entrepreneurs and citizens unified and mobilized efforts to provide essential items to priority hospitals in the region for addressing the emergency of the Coronavirus COVID-19, in addition to delivering groceries to the less privileged population.
A space for dialogue and collaboration between community leaders of Cali and ProPacífico.
Initiative by the private sector in the region to accelerate the sustainable development of our territory and promote the achievement of the SDGs with a territorial vision. From the business sector, it aims to build trust, establish agreements, and collaborate with communities and the public sector to advance in the fulfillment of the Agenda 2030.
A space from which we monitor the main regional infrastructure projects, generating clear and objective information to advance more efficiently in their schedules. Since 2020, the observatory has had a special chapter for Buenaventura.
A space for the production and analysis of information that allows us to understand aspects of education in the region, serving as a reference for strategic public and private decision-making aimed at improving the educational quality of the region.
An alliance that aims to strengthen local leadership, public management, and democracy in Buenaventura. It promotes citizen engagement to reshape the relationship between the citizenry and local public institutions.
An alliance of private entities and foundations that aims to strengthen local capacities, social mobilization, and knowledge management in prioritized territories to make better decisions and influence Early Childhood public policy in Valle del Cauca and northern Cauca.
An independent knowledge network created through a business alliance to influence the education sector through the analysis and production of information, the generation of spaces for debate, dialogue, and training that contribute to the management and monitoring of public education policies.
Red Pro
Esta red, conformada por ProAntioquia, ProBarranquilla, ProBogotá,ProBoyacá, Quindío Competitivo, ProOrinoquía, ProPacífico, ProRisaralda, ProSantaMarta, ProSantander y ADT Protolima, reúne al sector privado nacional y su objetivo es promover el bien común en sus regiones con una perspectiva no gremial y con vocación de largo plazo.


In our efforts to drive impactful regional development initiatives, we work with international cooperation to bring resources to the region.
-United Kingdom
- United States 
- Netherlands 
- France
- Alemania
- Germany 
  -Delegation of the European Union 
- French Development Agency, AFD
- Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, AECID
- United States Agency for International Development, USAID
- Inter-American Development Bank, IDB
- World Bank
- International Finance Corporation, IFC
- International Organization for Migration, IOM
- World Food Programme, WFP
- United Nations Development Programme, UNDP
- Global Infrastructure Facility
- City Resilience Program
- Fondo Colombia Sostenible
- City Cancer Challenge, CCAN
- Fondo Acción
- Findeter
- Financiera de Desarrollo Nacional, FDN
- Agencia Presidencial de Cooperación Internacional de Colombia, APC-Colombia
- Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar, ICBF
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